650 Formative Evaluation Report


EDET 650 - Internship


Context and Conditions

This artifact was created during the Fall 2022 semester about the effectiveness of one of the program deliverables.



This plan was created for an academic context in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen platform for a larger project.



  I was the author of this plan. 


Instructional Design

This artifact was created using Morrison et al.’s guidelines for formative evaluation, specifically a decision-oriented study (2019). Decision-oriented studies are “designed to provide information related to particular questions about the instruction,” in order to inform decisions about different aspects of the instruction while it can still be changed (Morrison et al., 2019, p. 342). This artifact mainly falls in the Design and Evaluation phases of the ADDIE model; the Design phase includes designing the user interface and experience, while the Evaluation phase encompasses the evaluation conducted on the interface to test its usability and reception (“Addie Model,” 2018).


Related Performance Indicator

This artifact fulfills the requirements for AECT Standard #1 - Content Knowledge (AECT, 2012). Using, assessing/evaluating, and managing are the indicators that this artifact meets due to its intent to evaluate the effectiveness and reception of the chosen elearning platform. The results of the plan help the instructional designer manage and evaluate the tool’s usage and/or replacement as needed.



This formative evaluation report had a significantly narrower scope than the one created in EDET 722. While the previous report evaluated, researched, and tested all aspects of the course it pertained to, including identifying need, surveying recent apprentices, analyzing topics and objectives, and generating an instructional strategy, this report solely aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the ClassCraft platform for the internship project’s needs.